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The Contour Cabinet
The Contour Cabinet was inspired by the layers and curves of architectural models and by a deep fascination for the rice terraces carvede into the mountains in Asia. The cabinet was created to challenge the way a furnituere can be percieved. With it´s multiple layers and the shape of an hovering landscape, the Contour Cabinet is considered as a sculptural object with a unconventionallly functional aspect that makes interesting associatians depending of the person watching it.
The main Body of the Cabinet consist of two pieces which is devided at the middle. From above at the top piece you can look inside the narrow opening and go discover a hidden miniature world that lies under a dome, that gives a atmosphere of looking into a small universe. The bottom piece which is mirroring the top, contain a storage room inside that reveals the reversed shapes of the outside. This one can be pushed around the centre by 360 degress, and the cabinet therefore demands a lot space which by intention creates a special enviroment around it.
The Contour Cabinet was first concieved in 2012 and construction was completed in 2016.

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